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Learn about our Support Groups

At the University of Oregon

In partnership with the Duck Nest & University Health Services

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We work in collaboration with and are supported by University Health Services, Duck Nest Wellness Center, and the Collegiate Recovery Center. 

About Us

We believe that college is a critical transitional period during which students are faced with new, and sometimes challenging life experiences. When students are exposed to negative food and body talk during this period in their lives, it can create a harmful impact on their relationship with food and body. To address this issue, Eating Disorder Awareness and Support (EDAS) aims to expand eating disorder education, awareness, and resources on the University of Oregon campus with the goal of minimizing students’ risk of developing eating disorders.


EDAS is a student-run club devoted to creating and strengthening a network of resources for students struggling with disordered eating, body image issues, or any habits or behaviors that fall out of the definition of normal eating. We are working with multiple departments on campus to strengthen existing resources for students as well as develop new ones. We hope to create a culture and community at the UO that is supportive of strong and positive relationships with food and body.    


Our club is intended to provide resources to help guide students towards positive relationships with food and body. We provide resources and education for all people, regardless of whether you have struggled with disordered eating or body image issues or know someone who has. We all live in a society governed by pervasive food and body rules, myths, and narratives that are harmful. With that awareness in mind, we are ALL able to participate in conversations about food and body. 


Throughout this website, you will notice the term "disordered eating” reoccur. We use this term to encompass the spectrum of varying behaviors that signal negative and unbeneficial relationships with food and body. Anyone, regardless of whether or not they have experienced disordered eating, can have difficult days with food and body due to the negative messaging we receive in society.

We are a student-run group that is constantly learning, growing, and developing. EDAS has a network of professionals that support and guide us through our efforts. We are committed to spreading awareness of the pervasive issue of disordered eating on campus and within our larger community. We are continuously learning about how to best support, educate, and provide resources to our community. Do not hesitate to reach out to us through our contact page to ask questions, make comments, give feedback, or share ideas. 

Contact Us

With questions, comments, or to request a presentation email us at:


Or visit the duck nest at:

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